Call Party Butler at:
(310) 871.0417
Copyright © Party Butler All rights Reserved
How Far Does Party Butler tm Travel?
Party Butler is generally based in the greater Los Angeles area (Lomita, Torrance, San Pedro, HB, MB, RB, Palos Verdes), but that doesn't mean that we are confined within that area.
Los Angeles county area is the primary Party Butler domain. My unique company can most assuredly staff your event in this general vicinity.
My company, Party Butler, has been involved with parties as far north as San Fernando Valley, Palmdale, Fontana, and Valencia.
As far south as Orange County, Anaheim Hills, Tustin, Murrieta, Oceanside and Carlsbad.
Of course, the beach areas of MB, HB, RB and the Palos Verdes pennisula additionally.
My staff of friendly trained servers will make every effort possible, to travel to your event and assist you on your day of need!